Rettenmaier SEA Sdn Bhd

Country: Malaysia
Booth number: R14

JRS, or J. Rettenmaier & Söhne, is the world leading manufacturer of renewable organic fibers, with use ranging from Pharmaceutical, Food, Animal Nutrition, to Construction, Paper, Plastics and Filtration. For the Filtration Business, JRS is producing Filter Aids and Adsorbents that are for most diverse applications within industrial precoat filtration. In addition to their excellent separating qualities, cellulose filter aids are especially economical, can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner, and are medically harmless, reliable and highly effective. The JRS product portfolio of the filtration business unit includes high-purity cellulose, extract-free cellulose, cellulose adsorbents, and wood fibers.

Keyword: filtration, filter aid, precoat, cellulose, sugar, glucose, edible oil, rolling mill, metal working, lubricant, coolant, brine,

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